Women in Credit Awards | Sara, our 'Rising Star of the year'


Attributed annually, the Women in Credit Awards aim to recognize the women who have led their teams or companies, while affirming the gender balance in the financial industry, highlighting them as an example to attract and retain in the area many other talented women.

With 24 years old and born in Porto, Sara Martins has a degree in Management from Católica Porto Business School. She has been with the ITSector Group for two years, having been involved, since the beginning, in the launch of ITSCREDIT, a spin-off of ITSector dedicated to the development of software for monitoring all phases of bank credit.

"I hope that this distinction can serve as an inspiration to attract and retain the talent of many other women to work in the financial area, but also in the technological area, where in Portugal, despite the high rate of employability, women still represent a clear minority", commented Sara Martins.

The winners of the Women in Credit Awards were selected by a panel composed of more than 20 independent judges, where they pontificate personalities such as the national director of risk of Metro Bank, Julia Dunn, and the director of consumer finance of FLA (Finance & Leasing Association), Fiona Hoyle.

To achieve the distinction of Rising Star Of The Year, Sara Martins started by integrating a restricted list of 6 pre-appointed, chosen from more than 70 companies from around the world linked to the area of credit and financial services.

The recognition of the role and active contribution of Sara Martins in the expansion of ITSector and ITSCREDIT in several countries, as she was in charge of market research and direct contact with national and international clients, as well as her participation in international events in the USA (New York), England (London), Singapore and Thailand, were experiences that turned out to be decisive for winning the final award.

Among the jury's criteria for the award of the prize collected by Sara Martins, services and achievements were taken into account that go beyond the fulfilment of duty and exceed the expectations of someone with less than five years of experience. Factors such as the commitment to career progression, the acquisition of new skills and contributions to the improvement of good practices associated with the profession were also considered.

Founded in Porto in 2005, ITSector is a specialist in software development for the financial sector. Currently, it has more than 400 employees, distributed through its Advanced Technology Centres in Porto, Lisbon, Braga, Aveiro and Bragança, and in its offices in Poland, Germany, Angola, Mozambique and Kenya.

Launched in 2018 and headquartered in Porto, ITSCREDIT has a strong vocation to operate in foreign markets, having already implemented projects in renowned banking institutions, in European clients and in Africa.















